Mexico City is cleaning up its act. Revamped public spaces are springing back to life, the culinary scene is exploding and a cultural renaissance is blooming. A stroll through the buzzing downtown area reveals the city’s storied history, from pre-Hispanic underpinnings to an unabashed contemporary edge.
Mexico - Mexico City (Chapter)
Coverage includes: Sights, Activities, Courses, Quirky Mexico City, Tours, Festivals & Events, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking, Entertainment and Shopping.
Lonely Planet PDF eBooks are PDF versions. They are available from the Lonely Planet Shop as either individual chapters or complete guides. PDF files can be printed and are viewable on eReaders, tablets, smart-phones and PCs.
Mexico - Mexico City (Chapter)
Coverage includes: Sights, Activities, Courses, Quirky Mexico City, Tours, Festivals & Events, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking, Entertainment and Shopping.
Lonely Planet PDF eBooks are PDF versions. They are available from the Lonely Planet Shop as either individual chapters or complete guides. PDF files can be printed and are viewable on eReaders, tablets, smart-phones and PCs.