Amsterdam - Medieval Centre & Red Light District (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Amsterdam’s oldest quarter is remarkably preserved, looking much as it did in its Golden Age heyday. Some come to see the Royal Palace and Oude Kerk, for others it's the coffeeshops and Red Light District.
push open the door to the Begijnhof and behold the hidden gardens and churches.

Amsterdam - Medieval Centre & Red Light District (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

bowl up to a 17th-century tasting house such as Wynand Fockink, to knock back a jenever (Dutch gin)
bite into a crisp golden spud slathered in mayonnaise, curry or peanut sauce at Vleminckx
restaurants & bars

Coverage includes: Neighbourhood Top Five, Local Life, Getting There & Away, Sights, Walking Tour of the Red Light District, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment and Shopping.