Bhutan - Understand Bhutan & Survial Guide (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

This chapter contains the Bhutan Today, History, The Bhutanese Way of Life, Buddhism in Bhutan, Traditional Arts, Architecture, Mountains & Valleys, Wildlife & Sanctuaries, Directory A-Z, Transport, Health and Language chapters from Lonely Planet's Bhutan guide-book.

Bhutan - Understand Bhutan & Survial Guide (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

All the info you need on everything from history, the environment and architecture to flights, public transport, climate, money, the internet... you name it. Get the lowdown on visas, and tips for women travellers, travelling with kids and travellers with disabilities, as well as a handy language guide and glossary.

a rundown on traditional Bhutanese arts
info on national parks and wildlife sanctuaries
full coverage of Buddhism in Bhutan
details on the country's people and culture

Coverage includes: Bhutan Today, History - from medieval times to the reign of the Wangchuck dynasty, The Bhutanese Way of Life: Urban Bhutan, Rural Life, Educa-tion, Women in Bhutan, Marriage, Health & the Wheel of Life and Sports, Buddhism in Bhutan, Traditional Arts: The Thirteen Arts, Painting, Textiles, Literature, Music and Theatre & Dance, Ar-chitecture: Dzongs, Goembas & Lhakhangs, Houses and Chortens, Mountains & Valleys: Greater Himalaya, Inner Himalaya, Rivers and Environmental Challenges, Wildlife & Sanctuaries: Mam-mals, Monkeys, Big Cats, Bears & Red Pandas, Birds and National Parks & Protected Areas, Di-rectory A-Z, Transport, Health and Language.