Bhutan - Western Bhutan (PDF Chapter) Lonley Planet

Whether you come to western Bhutan by air or road, it soon becomes clear that you have ar-rived at a special destination. Prayer flags flutter from rooftops, locals dress in traditional garb, chortens decorate river and road junctions, and monasteries command the mountain tops.

Bhutan - Western Bhutan (PDF Chapter) Lonley Planet

explore the picturesque dzong at Punakha, the capital of Bhutan from the 17th to the 19th centuries
hike to the dramatic cliff-hanging Taktshang Goemba, Bhutan's most famous sight
visit the hulking Paro Dzong and take a crash course in Bhutanese culture and history at Paro's National Museum
restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Paro Dzongkhag, Paro & around, Upper Paro Valley, Southeast of Paro, Haa Dzongkhag, Haa & around, Punakha Dzongkhag, Punakha & Khu-ruthang, Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag, Wangdue Phodrang & Bajo, Pele La, Phobjikha Valley, Chhukha Dzongkhag and Phuentsholing & around.