Central America on a shoestring - Nicaragua (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

This is the Nicaragua chapter from Lonely Planet's Central America on a Shoestring guidebook.

Central America on a shoestring - Nicaragua (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Nicaragua has just about all you could ask for in a tropical paradise. Stroll colonial cities before discovering volcanoes to be climbed, lagoons to be explored, islands to be Robinson Crusoed, and spirited locals to take you there and beyond.

Coverage includes: Understand Nicaragua, Nicaragua Today, History - from colonial settlement to early independence, revolution and the Contra war, The Culture, Arts, Landscape & Wildlife, Directory, Managua & around, The Masaya Region, Granada & around, Masaya, Parque Nacional Volcán Masaya, Southwestern Nicaragua, Isla de Ometepe & around, Southern Pacific Coast, San Juan del Sur, Beaches North of San Juan del Sur, Beaches South of San Juan del Sur, León & Northwestern Nicaragua, León, Poneloya & Las Peñitas Beaches, Cosigüina Peninsula Beaches, Northern Nicaragua, Estelí, Área Protegida Miraflor, Área Protegida Cerro Tisey-Estanzuela, Somoto, Jinotega, Matagalpa, Caribbean Coast, Bluefields, Pearl Lagoon, Corn Islands, Bilwi (Puerto Cabezas), and San Carlos & around.

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