Traveling to northern Europe doesn't have to break the bank. To help you in your quest to visit somewhere this beautiful and historic region of europe, ETG have compiled a list of 7 northern european PDF chapters by Lonely Planet that you can download for a few euros to your smartphone, tablet or laptop to take with you.
Lonely Planet on a Shoestring guides offer sound advise on where to stay on a budget, cheap places to eat and how to visit tourist attractions at discounted prices. Transport also features in these guides that you can now mix and max and download separately, instead of purchasing the entire guide for europe.
ETG tip for visiting northern europe, is to select carefully what you really want to see. Europe is big, and filled with a wealth of historic and cultural cities and towns. Learn a few words in the local language and you will receive a warm reception from the local people where ever you go.
Ligthen your luggage!
7 Northern European Destinations on a Shoestring
This is the
Switzerland chapter from
Lonely Planet's Europe on a Shoestring
This is the
Ireland chapter from Lonely
Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guidebook.
This is the
Britain chapter from Lonely
Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guidebook.
This is the
Scandinavia chapter from Lonely Planet's Europe
on a Shoestring guidebook.
This is the
Austria chapter from Lonely
Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guidebook.
This is the
Germany chapter from Lonely
Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guidebook.
This is the
France chapter from Lonely
Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guidebook.