Tibet travel guide - Eastern Tibet (Kham) (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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 Tibet travel guide - Eastern Tibet (Kham) (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Kham is the face you never knew Tibet had: a land of raging rivers and impossibly deep gorges, of Alpine forests and rolling grasslands, of outspoken monks and rebel cowboys. Compared to the rest of this largely barren land, it's a world apart.

Coverage includes: Hwy 318: the Southern Loop, Rutok & Songdo, Gyalam: the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, Kongpo Gyamda, Draksum-tso & around, Kading Valley Scenic Area, Bāyī & around, Tashigang, Bakha Monastery, Pomi, Rawok, Overland Routes from Sìchuān & Yúnnán, Kanding, The Northern Route (Hwy 317), The Southern Route (Hwy 318), Yúnnán–Tibet Highway, and The Northern Routes of Kham.