Visting China? Download Lonely Planet's PDF eBook Plan your Trip chapters

Check out these eBook Plan your trip chapters from the Beijing city guide, Shanghai city guide and the Hong Kong city guide. Download the PDF chapters straight to your ipad, phone or laptop.

Beijing city guide - Plan your Trip

It's the contrast between the distant past and the super-charged present that makes Běijīng so captivating. Traditional but ever-changing, no other city manages to be so timeless yet so contemporary.
Shanghai city guide - Plan your trip

The engine of China’s future, Shànghǎi dazzles. A blend of East and West with a voracious appetite for new styles and trends, the city is above all cosmopolitan and cutting edge.
Hong Hong city guide - Plan your trip

This enigmatic city of skyscrapers, ancient traditions and heavenly food will fascinate, whether it’s your first visit or your fiftieth.

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