Finnish Lakeland a Natural Paradise

Catch a ferry across Finland's beautiful Lakeland. Photo Simon Raven
Formed by glacial melt at the end of the last Ice Age this region of Finland known as Lakeland is the largest lake district in Europe. A natural paradise not to be missed.

Download the eBook version of Lonely Planet's The Lakeland PDF chapter from the Finland guidebook

Finland - The Lakeland (Chapter)

Most of Finland could be dubbed lakeland, but around here it seems there’s more water than terra firma. And what water: sublime, sparkling and clean. Reflecting sky and forests as clearly as a mirror, it leaves an indelible impression.

Coverage includes: Savonlinna, Punkaharju, Seal Lakes, Linnansaari Na-tional Park, Kolovesi National Park, Sulkava, Mikkeli, Valamo, Jyväskylä & around and Kuo-pio.

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