Chile & Easter Island - Sur Chico (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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Chile & Easter Island - Sur Chico (Chapter)

The Chilean south begins here. The regions of La Araucanía, Los Ríos and the Lakes District jar travelers with their menacing ice-topped volcanoes; its glacial lakes that look like melted Chinese jade; and roaring rivers running through old growth forests and villages inhabited by the indomitable Mapuche people.

Coverage includes: La Araucanía, Temuco, Parque Nacional Tolhuaca, Parque Nacional Conguillío, Curacautín, Reserva Nacional, Malalcahuello-Nalcas, Melipeuco, Villarrica, Pucón, Parque Nacional Villarrica, Río Liucura Valley, Parque Nacional Huerquehue, Curarrehue, Lican Ray, Los Ríos, Valdivia, Around Valdivia, The Lakes District, Osorno, Entre Lagos, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Puerto Octay, Frutillar, Puerto Varas, Ensenada, Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez, Rosales, Cochamó, Río Cochamó Valley, Río Puelo, Río Puelo Valley and Puerto Montt.

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