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Pao de Acucar Hotel (Porto, Portugal).
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Download the eBook version of Lonely Planet's PDF Porto, The Douro & Tras-os-Montes chapter from the Portugal guidebook

Portugal - Porto, The Douro & Tras-os-Montes (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

It’s the dynamic Rio Douro that brings diversity to the province it has defined, with its granite bluffs, wine caves, medieval stone houses and steep, terraced vineyards. While beautiful and historic Porto, Portugal’s second-largest city, is at its mouth.

Coverage includes: Porto, Vila do Conde, Amarante, Lamego & Around, Peso da Régua, Alto Douro, Vila Real, Parque Natural do Alvão, Mondim de Basto, Chaves, Bragança, Parque Natural de Montesinho, Miranda do Douro and Parque Natural do Douro Internacional.

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Amazing deals on Hotels! Porto: Hotels

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