Kerry tours Arctic Circle to see climate change impact

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting Norway's extreme north to view areas impacted by climate change with melting ice and the opening of new sea lanes.

Kerry flew Thursday from the capital of Oslo to the small town of Svalbard in the Arctic Circle and was scheduled to visit Ny-Alesund, the northernmost civilian settlement in the world that is home to 15 Arctic research stations, as well as the Blomstrand Glacier, which has significantly receded in recent years.

Download the eBook version of Lonely Planet's Svalbard PDF chapter from the Norway guidebook

Svalbard’s main settlement and entry point, Longyearbyen, is merely a taste of what lies beyond and the possibilities for exploring further are many: boat trips, glacier hikes, and expeditions by snowmobile or led by a team of huskies. Whichever you choose, coming here is like crossing some remote frontier of the mind: Svalbard is as close as most mortals can get to the North Pole and still capture its spirit.

- immerse yourself in the Arctic wilderness, hiking under the midnight sun

- head into the fjords of inner Svalbard with a boat trip to the Nordenskjöldbreen glacier

- hang with the huskies on a winter dog-sledding expedition

Coverage includes: Longyearbyen & around, Barentsburg, Pyramiden, Ny Ålesund & around, Magdalenefjord, Prins Karls Forlandet, Krossfjorden, Danskøya, Moffen Island.

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