Southern Africa - Zimbabwe (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Southern Africa - Zimbabwe (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet 2017
Lonely Planet Southern Africa - Zimbabwe (PDF Chapter)

Southern Africa - Zimbabwe

While from afar Zimbabwe’s plight doesn’t paint a rosy picture, the reality is different on the ground for tourists – most insist it’s hands down one of the safest, friendliest and most spectacu-lar countries in Africa.

explore the atmospheric 11th-century stone ruins of Great Zimbabwe

Brave Mana Pools National Park, Africa’s only park (with lions) that allows unguided walk-ing safaris

shop for crafts in Harare and go to Harare International Festival of the Arts

Coverage includes: Harare, Northern Zimbabwe, Kariba Town, Matusa-dona National Park, Mana Pools National Park, Mavuradonha Wilderness, Eastern Highlands, Mutare, Bvumba Mountains, Nyanga National Park, Chimanimani, Chimanimani National Park, The Midlands & Southeastern Zimbabwe, Masvingo, Great Zimbabwe, Gonarezhou National Park, Western Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Matobo National Park, Hwange National Park, Understand Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Today, History, Culture, Sport, The Arts, Environment, Survival Guide.

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