Norway - Central Norway (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet Norway - Central Norway
Norway - Central Norway Lonely Planet

Bleak tundra and dramatic mountain massifs at seemingly every turn, charming villages, stave churches, fascinating wildlife and arguably Norway’s best hiking and white-water rafting – with so much going for it, central Norway more than matches the fjords.

- cros lofty mountain passes and pass frozen lakes on the stunning Sognefjellet Road

- spot your first ever musk ox or moose on a wildlife safari in Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella Na-tional Park

- trek the many mountain trails of high-altitude Jotunheimen National Park, one of Norway’s best

Coverage includes: Eastern Central Norway, Lillehammer, Hunderfossen, Hamar, Trysil, Røros, Femundsmarka National Park, Oppdal, Trollheimen, Dombås, Dov-refjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park, Otta, Rondane National Park, Ringebu, Western Central Norway, Lom, Jotunheime National Park, Hardangervidda, Geilo, Finse.

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