Argentina - Patagonia (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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Argentina - Patagonia

On South America’s southern frontier, nature grows wild, barren and beautiful. Spaces are large, as are the silences that fill them. Patagonia offers an innumerable wealth of potential experiences and landscapes.

- gaze upon the blue-hued Glaciar Perito Moreno as icebergs fall in thunderous booms

- get immersed in the millennial forests and clear lakes of lush Parque Nacional Los Alerces

- hike under the toothy Cerro Fitz Roy near El Chaltén, Argentina’s trekking capital

Coverage includes: Coastal Patagonia, Puerto Madryn & Around, Reserva Faunística Península Valdés, Trelew, Gaiman, Área Natural Protegida Punta Tombo, Cama-rones, Cabo Dos Bahías, Comodoro Rivadavia, Puerto Deseado, Reserva Natural Ría Deseado & Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Isla Pingüino, Monumento Natural Bosques Petrificados, Puerto San Julián, Parque Nacional Monte León, Río Gallegos, Inland Patagonia, Esquel, Trevelin, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Gobernador Costa, Río Mayo, Perito Moreno, Los Antig-uos, Cueva de Las Manos, Bajo Caracoles, Parque Nacional Perito Moreno, Gobernador Gregores, El Chaltén, Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (North), El Calafate, Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (South), Reserva Los Huemules, Chilean Patagonia, Punta Arenas, Monumento Nat-ural Los Pingüinos, Parque Nacional Pali Aike, Puerto Natales, Parque Nacional Bernardo O’Higgins, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

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