Jordan - Madaba & the King's Highway (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

The King’s Highway runs down the spine of Jordan’s central highlands, bisected by the mighty canyon of Wadi Mujib. With panoramic sites of biblical importance, exquisite Roman mosaics and well-preserved Crusader castles, there’s something fascinating to see along the entire length of this central region.

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- piece together early Christian history in Madaba while exploring Jordan’s best collection of Byzantine mosaics, housed in a series of still operating churches

- survey the view that Moses is said to have gazed upon when he saw the Promised Land at Mt Nebo

- enjoy the eagle’s-eye vista from the lookout at Wadi Mujib, over a dramatic Grand Can-yon–esque landscape

Coverage includes: Central Jordan, Madaba, Mt Nebo & Around, Mukawir (Machaerus), Umm Ar Rasas, Wadi Mujib, Ar Rabba, Karak, Khirbet Tannour, Dana, Shobak.C

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