Download the NEW Europe - Iceland (PDF Chapter) by Lonely Planet

This is the Iceland chapter from Lonely Planet’s Europe guidebook.

The energy is palpable on this magical island, where astonishing natural phenomena inspire the welcoming, creative locals and draw an increasing number of visitors in search of its untrammelled splendour. A vast volcanic laboratory, here the earth itself is restless and alive.

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- party till dawn on the weekend pub crawl djammið in Reykjavík, then hitting excellent museums, shops and cafes

- ride horses, climb glaciers, treke lava fields or soak in hot-pots on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula

- join the droves exploring the scintillating Gullfoss waterfall, exploding geysers and rift valley Þingvellir in the Golden Circle

Coverage includes: Reykjavík & Around, The Golden Circle, Blue Lagoon, The South, West Iceland, North Iceland, Survival Guide.