Download the Lonely Planet Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter)

Download the Lonely Planet Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter)

Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter)

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Imagine a space so desolate that not even a boulder or a bush troubles the 360-degree hori-zon. Factor in a ravaging heat so overpowering in the summer that the ground pulses before your eyes and mirages appear in the distance. Welcome to the Eastern Desert!

- hunker down in a bird hide in Azraq Wetland Reserve and watch the drama of a waterhole unfold

- go on safari in Shaumari Wildlife Reserve to spot Arabian oryx, slowly being reintroduced to the area after being hunted to extinction

- admire the risqué frescoes in the bathhouse at the Unesco World Heritage Site of Qusayr Amra

Coverage includes: Azraq & Around, Zarqa, Hallabat, Azraq, Qusayr Amra, Qasr Kharana, Eastern Desert Highway, Umm Al Jimal, Qasr Deir Al Kahf, Safawi, Burqu.
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Driving the Trans-Siberian 
The Ultimate Road Trip Across Russia

An Adventure Through the Caucasus

A South America Adventure

Freedom on the American Highway

Hike, Drive, Stayin' Alive!

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Out of shape and unprepared, The Raven Brothers return to the road in a collection of ten quests to travel to their dream destinations against all odds! After two decades pioneering new routes across the globe, you would expect the authors of 'Driving the Trans-Siberian' to be hotshot explorers, with a sixth sense and an ability to survive in almost any situation. Think again! With virtually zero knowledge of the workings of the internal combustion engine and very limited skills of wilderness survival, Simon and Chris struggle into their hiking boots and power across three continents by river, tarmac and trail.

Venture to the top of Norway, cruise the road to Damascus, hike the Camino trail into Spain’s Wild West, row the Ganges, explore Frida Kahlo’s world in Mexico City, hangout with the dead in Sicily’s eerie catacombs, crawl deep inside Bolivia’s notorious silver mine, seek lions in Gujarat, wellness in Berlin and journey into the Naga Hills where tribal kings still rule.

Noted by Lonely Planet for their talent to portray an “accurate view of what to expect”, 'Hike, Drive, Stayin’ Alive!' signals a return to the duo writing “buttock clenching” travel comedy with the first in a series of candid stories of adventure by The Raven Brothers.