Canada - Nova Scotia (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

At first glance, Nova Scotia appears sweet as a storybook with its lupin-studded fields, gingerbread-like houses, picture-perfect lighthouses and lightly lapping waves on sandy shores; but it's also the raw Canada of fishermen braving icy seas, coal miners, moose, horseflies and hockey.

Canada - Nova Scotia (PDF Chapter)

Coverage includes: Halifax, Dartmouth, Eastern Shore Beaches, Sambro, Prospect, Peggy's Cove, South Shore, Chester, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg, Liverpool, Kejimkujik National Park, Seaside Adjunct (Kejimkujik National Park), Shelburne, Barrington to West Pubnico, Yarmouth, Annapolis Valley & French Shore, Cape St Mary to Meteghan, Church Point to St Bernard, Digby Neck, Digby, Bear River, Annapolis Royal & around, Kentville, Wolfville, Grand Pré, Windsor, Central Nova Scotia, Shubenacadie, Maitland, Truro, Economy to Five Islands, Parrsboro, Cape d'Or, Cape Chignecto Provincial Park & Advocate Harbour, Joggins, Amherst, Sunrise Trail, Wallace, Wentworth, Tatamagouche, Pictou, New Glasgow, Antigonish, Cape George, Cape Breton Island, Port Hastings, Ceilidh Trail, Cabot Trail & Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Bras d'Or Lake Scenic Drive, North Sydney, Sydney, Glace Bay, Louisbourg, Eastern Shore, Guysborough, Canso, Sherbrooke, Taylor Head Provincial Park, Tangier and Jedore Oyster Pond.