British Columbia & Canadian Rockies - Alberta (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Alberta does lakes and mountains like Rome does churches and cathedrals, but without the penance. For proof head west to Jasper and Banff, two of the world’s oldest national parks which, despite their wild and rugged terrain, remain well-trammeled and easily accessible.

British Columbia & Canadian Rockies - Alberta (PDF Chapter)  Lonely Planet

explore the Jurassic remnants of Drumheller and call into the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
make fresh tracks on a cross-country skiing trail in Jasper National Park
attend the Edmonton International Fringe Festival and unlock the more bohemian side of the Albertan capital
restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Edmonton, Around Edmonton, East of Edmonton, South of Edmonton, West of Edmonton, Calgary, Banff & Jasper National Parks, Kananaskis Country, Canmore, Icefields Parkway, Banff Town, Lake Louise, Jasper Town & Around, Southern Alberta, Drumheller, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Lethbridge, Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Waterton Lakes National Park, Crowsnest Pass, Northern Alberta, Peace River & Around, Mackenzie Highway, Lake District, Wood Buffalo National Park