Japan - Kyushu (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Japan's southern- and westernmost main island is its warmest, friendliest and (we're partial) most beautiful. Jomon ruins, Shinto's sun goddess, wealthy trading ports, cloistered foreigners, samurai rebels and one of the earth's greatest wartime tragedies all loom large.

Japan - Kyushu (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

joining the night owls for beer and yakitori at a yatai food stall in Fukuoka
being moved - and charmed - by the unique history of Nagasaki
seeing where the last samurai made their last stand at Kumamoto Castle
restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka, Dazaifu, Saga Prefecture, Karatsu, Imari, Arita, Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki, Hirado, Shimabara Peninsula, Unzen, Shimabara, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto, Aso-san Area, Kurokawa Onsen, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima, Kirishima-Yaku National Park, Satsuma Peninsula & around, Miyazaki Prefecture, Miyazaki, Aoshima, Kaeda, Udo-jingu, Obi, Nichinan-kaigan, Cape Toi, Saitobaru, Takachiho, Oita Prefecture, Beppu, Yufuin, Usuki and Kunisaki Peninsula.