Japan - Shikoku (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Shikoku is synonymous with natural beauty and the pursuit of spiritual perfection. Yet this is not merely a place for soul-searching - the stunning Iya Valley, a rugged Pacific Ocean Coastline, free-flowing rivers and mountain ranges all beckon to be explored.

Japan - Shikoku (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

walking the time-worn route of the 88 Temples pilgrimage

surfing prime waves or snorkelling pristine streams at Ohkinohama

hiking up sacred Ishizuchi-san, one of Japan's most gripping ascents

Coverage includes: Tokushima Prefecture, Tokushima & around, Iya Valley, Tsurugi-san, Hiwasa, Muroto-misaki, Kochi Prefecture, Kochi & around, Ashizuri-misaki & around, Nakamura, Ashizuri Cape, Ehime Prefecture, Uwajima & around, Matsuyama & around, Ishizuchi-san, Kagawa Prefecture and Takamatsu & around.