Turkey - Eastern Mediterranean (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

This is ‘real’ Turkey, where enormous vegetable farms and fruit orchards work overtime between the mountains and stunning coastline, and timeless hillside villages peek down onto large industrial cities with nary a tourist in sight.

Turkey - Eastern Mediterranean (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

re-enact past glories in the Byzantine city of Anemurium
descend into the massive Chasm of Heaven near Silifke, where Zeus is said to have held the monster Typhon captive
swim to the offshore Maiden’s Castle at Kizkalesi, and hike to the isolated reliefs at Adamkayalar
restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Side, Alanya & Around, Anamur, Tasucu, Silifke & Around, Kizkalesi & Around, Mersin (Içel), Tarsus, Adana & Around, Iskenderun, Antakya (Hatay) & Around