Bali & Lombok - West Bali (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

This is the West Bali chapter from Lonely Planet’s Bali & Lombok  guidebook.

Bali & Lombok - West Bali (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Few who dive or snorkel the rich and pristine waters around Pulau Menjangan forget the experience. It’s part of Taman Nasional Bali Barat (West Bali National Park), the only protected place of its kind on the island.
plunging into the depths at Pulau Menjangan
revelling in the beach-funk vibe of Balian
discovering Bali’s national park, Taman Nasional Bali Barat
restaurants & accommodation
Coverage includes: Pura Tanah Lot, Kapal, Marga, Sangeh, Tabanan & Around, Antosari & Bajera, Balian Beach, Jembrana Coast, Negara & Around, Belimbingsari & Palasari, Cekik, Gilimanuk, Taman Nasional Bali Barat and Labuhan Lalang.

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