Mongolia - Central Mongolia (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

This is the Central Mongolia chapter from Lonely Planet's Mongolia guidebook.

Mongolia - Central Mongolia (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Verdant swaths of empty landscapes are sprinkled with tiny gers (traditional yurts), while magical light plays across the valleys. This is the Mongolian heartland, loaded with both historical sites and natural beauty.

saddle up for a horse trek to the beautiful, remote Khuisiin Naiman Nuur Nature Reserve
camp, hike and swim your way around Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur, the volcanic lake by the village of Tariat
stay with herdsmen in the meadows surrounding Orkhon Khürkhree, Mongolia's tallest waterfall
restaurants & accommodation

Coverage includes: Töv, Zuunmod, Bogdkhan Uul Strictly Protected Area, Nalaikh & around, Terelj Area, Gachuurt, Khustain National Park, Övörkhangai, Arvaikheer, Kharkhorin (Karakorum), West of Kharkhorin, East of Kharkhorin, Arkhangai, Tsetserleg, Tsenkher Hot Springs and Tariat.