Peninsula de Nicoya - Costa Rica (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Download the eBook version of Lonely Planet's Peninsula de Nicoya PDF chapter from the Costa Rica guidebook.

Peninsula de Nicoya - Costa Rica (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Daytime activities involve sapphire waters, perfect surf and pristine beaches, while at night you can spot nesting sea turtles or take a midnight dip in the luxuriant Pacific. Whether you come for thrills or to chill, the Nicoya Peninsula delivers.

Coverage includes: Northern Peninsula, Playa Hermosa, Playa Ocotal, Beaches South of Playa Ocotal, Playas San Miguel & Coyote, Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Curú, Playa Grande, Playa Tamarindo, Playas Avellanas & Negra, Playa Junquillal, Santa Cruz, Central Peninsula, Playa Carrillo, Nicoya, Playa del Coco, Parque Nacional Barra Honda, Nosara Area, Refugio Nacional de Fauna Silvestre Ostional, Playa Sámara, Islita Area, Southern Peninsula, Playa Naranjo, Islands near Bahía Gi-gante, Paquera, Playas Pochote & Tambor, Montezuma, Cabuya, Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco and Mal País & Santa Teresa.

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