Tasmania - Devonport & the Northwest (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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Tasmania - Devonport & the Northwest (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

A deep-forested, jagged-peaked interior where devils roam and eagles soar. A farmland patchwork scored through by gorges, mountain rivers and glow-worm-bejewelled caves. Azure seas in white-sand coves, roaring beaches, islands, shipwrecks. This is just some of the magic of Tasmania’s northwest.

Includes: Devonport, Latrobe, Deloraine, Chudleigh, Mole Creek, Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Gowrie Park, Marrawah, Lake Barrington & around, The Tarkine Wilderness, Sheffield, Stanley, Ulverstone, Penguin, Burnie, Wynyard & around, Boat Harbour Beach, Rocky Cape National Park, Smithton & around, Arthur River, Western Explorer (C249) & Arthur Pieman Conservation Area, Corinna & The Pieman River, Waratah and King Island.

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