Jordan travel guide - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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Jordan travel guide - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Imagine a space so desolate that not even a boulder or a bush troubles the 360-degree horizon. Now add a carpet of ancient black volcanic rock, unnavigable even by camels. And finally, factor in a ravaging heat so overpowering in the summer that the ground pulses before your eyes and mirages appear in the distance. Welcome to the Eastern Desert! Home to a string of intriguing ruined forts, hunting lodges and caravanserai, collectively known as the ‘desert castles’. At the miraculous oases of Azraq and Burqu, birds still break their journey across the otherwise featureless desert.

Coverage includes: Azraq, Zarqa, Qasr Al-Hallabat, Hammam As-Sarah, Azraq, Qasr Al-Azraq, Azraq Wetland Reserve, Shaumari Wildlife Reserve, Qasr ‘Uweinid, P, Azraq, Qasr Al-Azraq, Azraq Wetland Reserve, Shaumari Wildlife Reserve, Qasr ‘Uweinid, Qusayr Amra, Qasr Kharana and Qasr Al-Mushatta.

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