Timor-Leste (East Timor) travel guide - Around Dili PDF Chapter

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Timor-Leste (East Timor) travel guide  - Around Dili PDF Chapter

You can get lost for a week or more exploring the lands and seas east of Dili; Portuguese forts and beautiful coast are more than enough reason to head west; while heading south is the easiest way to get a quick change of scenery and weather.

Coverage includes: Metinaro, Manleo, Manatuto, Laleia, Vemasse, Baucau, Osolata, Venilale, Ossu, Loi Hunu, Viqueque & around, Laga, Baguia, Laivai, Lautem, Com, Desa Rasa, Lospalos, Tutuala, Tutuala Beach, Jaco Island, North Coast Road, Tibar, Aipelo, Liquiçá, Maubara, Loes River & Atabae, Batugade, Inland Road, Ermera, Atsabe, Marobo, Road to Zumalai, Bobonaro, Maliana, Balibo, Aileu & around, Maubisse, Mt Ramelau, Aituto, Same, Betano & around, Ainaro, Zumalai and Suai & around.

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