Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands - "The Highlands" (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Download the eBook version of Lonely Planet's The Highlands PDF chapter from the Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands guidebook.

Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands - "The Highlands" (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

When Europeans discovered PNG’s rugged interior in the 1930s, they stumbled into heavily cultivated valleys lined with saw-tooth mountains and home to a million-plus people. Today many aspects of traditional highland culture remain for visitors to experience.

Coverage includes: Eastern Highlands Province, Goroka, Simbu Province, Kundiawa, Mt Wilhelm, Walking to Madang, Western Highlands & Jiwaka, Provinces, Mt Hagen, Wahgi Valley, Enga Province, Wabag, Southern Highlands Province, Mendi, Lake Kutubu & Around, Hela Province and Tari.

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