Ethiopia & Djibouti - Addis Ababa (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

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Ethiopia & Djibouti - Addis Ababa

Since its establishment in the 19th century, Addis Ababa has always seemed like a magical gateway to another world. Africa’s fourth-largest city and Ethiopia’s diplomatic capital is traf-fic-choked and sprawling, but is the best place to sample Ethiopian food, and has wonderful museums and accommodation.

- delve into the excellent treasure trove of the Ethnological Museum

- see Lucy, one of our oldest ancestors, at the National Museum

- stare in silent contemplation at the moving memorial of the ‘Red Terror’ Martyrs Memorial Museum

Coverage includes: History, Sights, Activities, Tours, Courses, Festivals & Events, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment, Shopping.

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