Finland - The Lakeland (PDF Chapter) by Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet Finland - The Lakeland

Finland - The Lakeland

Most of Finland could be dubbed lakeland, but around here it seems there’s more aqua than terra firma. Reflecting the sky and forests as clearly as a mirror, the sparkling, clean water leaves an indelible impression.

- attend an opera staged under the stars in the courtyard of a magnificent medieval castle at Savonlinna Opera Festival

- seek a glimpse of the rare Saimaa ringed seal while paddling around the Seal Lakes within the Linnansaari and Kolovesi national parks

- join international architecture buffs on an Alvar Aalto pilgrimage in and around Jyväsky-lä

Coverage includes: Savonlinna, Punkaharju, The Seal Lakes, Sulkava, Mikkeli, New Valamo, Jyväskylä & Around, Kuopio.

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