Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Download the Lonely Planet Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter)

Jordan - Azraq & the Eastern Desert Highway (PDF Chapter)

Imagine a space so desolate that not even a boulder or a bush troubles the 360-degree hori-zon. Factor in a ravaging heat so overpowering in the summer that the ground pulses before your eyes and mirages appear in the distance. Welcome to the Eastern Desert!

- hunker down in a bird hide in Azraq Wetland Reserve and watch the drama of a waterhole unfold

- go on safari in Shaumari Wildlife Reserve to spot Arabian oryx, slowly being reintroduced to the area after being hunted to extinction

- admire the risqué frescoes in the bathhouse at the Unesco World Heritage Site of Qusayr Amra

Coverage includes: Azraq & Around, Zarqa, Hallabat, Azraq, Qusayr Amra, Qasr Kharana, Eastern Desert Highway, Umm Al Jimal, Qasr Deir Al Kahf, Safawi, Burqu.

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