Brazil - Brasilia Goias (PDF Chapter) Lonely Planet

Brasília was conceived as a workable, utopian answer to modern urban chaos. As Brazil’s seat of government, bureaucrats rule, but a thriving city is there, the first in the world constructed in the 20th century to achieve Unesco World Cultural Heritage designation.

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- admire the series of Niemeyer’s architectural marvels down Brasília’s principal axis, the Eixo Monumental

- wander the picturesque cobblestone streets of historic Cidade de Goiás and investigate its restored 18th-century buildings

- beat the heat amid Pirenópolis’s barrage of waterfalls and enjoying the hip cafes and boutiques of the center

Coverage includes: Brasília, Goiás, Goiãia, Cidade de Goiás, Pirenópolis, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Alto Paraíso de Goiás, São Jorge.

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