The Mountain that Eats Men: Bolivia's Silver Mine


Mining tour group on Cerro Rico overlooking Potosi in Bolivia
Cerro Rico Silver Mine. Potosi, Bolivia ©

There are an endless list of incredible experiences you can enjoy whilst travelling the globe, but would you dare enter Bolivia's notorious Potosi Silver Mine. Known for centuries as "the mountain that eats men", Cerro Rico is a working mine which offers the curious adventure tourist the opportunity to explore subterranean levels at high altitude. Not for the faint hearted, the hazardous conditions of the mine which is fraught with danger (often with live detonations taking place inside the narrow tunnels), is an environment worth some consideration before diving blindly inside. Travelling to the high Andes of South America during a trip of a lifetime with a friend, The Raven Brothers explore the depths of Bolivia's notorious silver mine in the story 'A Date with the Devil' which features in their new book 'Hike, Drive, Stayin' Alive!'  10 stories of Adventure. Meeting the stoic Andean people at the rooftop of the world, the travel writing duo visit shrines to the devil "El Tio" (the Uncle) deep inside the bowels of the extinct volcano, and are forced to confront their worst fears inside a mountain that they discover is suffering from overmining and will someday collapse.

‘Hike, Drive, Stayin’ Alive!’ by The Raven Brothers is out now! Order your copy from Amazon or your favourite book retailer worldwide.

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Hike, Drive, Stayin' Alive!

by The Raven Brothers

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Out of shape and unprepared, The Raven Brothers return to the road in a collection of ten quests to travel to their dream destinations against all odds! After two decades pioneering new routes across the globe, you would expect the authors of 'Driving the Trans-Siberian' to be hotshot explorers, with a sixth sense and an ability to survive in almost any situation. Think again! With virtually zero knowledge of the workings of the internal combustion engine and very limited skills of wilderness survival, Simon and Chris struggle into their hiking boots and power across three continents by river, tarmac and trail.

Venture to the top of Norway, cruise the road to Damascus, hike the Camino trail into Spain’s Wild West, row the Ganges, explore Frida Kahlo’s world in Mexico City, hangout with the dead in Sicily’s eerie catacombs, crawl deep inside Bolivia’s notorious silver mine, seek lions in Gujarat, wellness in Berlin and journey into the Naga Hills where tribal kings still rule.

Noted by Lonely Planet for their talent to portray an “accurate view of what to expect”, 'Hike, Drive, Stayin’ Alive!' signals a return to the duo writing “buttock clenching” travel comedy with the first in a series of candid stories of adventure by The Raven Brothers.