Nepal | Lonely Planet

Nepal is a trekkers' paradise, combining Himalayan views, golden temples, charming hill villages, and jungle wildlife-watching to provide one of the world's great travel destinations. Lonely Planet will take you to the heart of Nepal, providing incredible travel experiences and expert planning advice.

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ISBN-13 : ‎ 978-1787015975
Authors : Bradley Mayhew, Joe Bindloss, Lindsay Brown, Stuart Butler, Tsering Lama

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The Ultimate Road Trip Across Russia

by The Raven Brothers

Have you ever wanted to get in your car and keep driving? That is precisely what The Raven Brothers decided to do when stacking boxes of frozen oven chips in a -30 degree freezer. With a squeaky foot pump and an SAS survival guide in hand, the UK travel writing duo fired up their rusty old Ford Sierra and started to drive east. After trying to travel over 12,000 kilometres and literally living in the car, they arrived in the Far Eastern city of Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan.